Tuesday, December 22, 2009



Wow, you suck. Background image from the Fonseka bombing.

Today an LTTE suicide bomber blew herself up among refugees fleeing the warzone. Tamil refugees. They say 60 are wounded and an unknown number killed. What’s the point? At one point the LTTE’s destruction at least awed, like the Central Bank bombing. Now they just kill with no content, no end, and no point. Just small numbers that change nothing except for ending and ruining a few very real lives. Their mediocre ideologues are dead and now only the assassin and terrorist is left, and all he has to offer is destruction. Worst of all, in addition to failing to deliver anything for the Tamil people, the LTTE has enabled the Sinhala powers to frame this as a ‘with us or with terrorists‘ debate, thus marginalizing moderates of every stripe. So good fucking job guys. Congratulations on blowing up a bunch of Tamil refugees.
The LTTE is bad. They should be eliminated. The elimination can be crude like this or it can be subtle like the splintering off of the East via Karuna and the eventual buying off of other factions. Personally, I think that the LTTE could be eliminated without killing journalists and indefinitely suspending freedoms for Tamils and everyone else, but Prabhakaran himself enabled this path of war. You have to remember that Prabhakaran effectively voted for war by preventing people in the North and East from voting. So he chose this path. You have to wonder why, but now I think it makes sense. The LTTE is simply a nihilistic organization like Al Qaeda. It’s not designed to actually win anything, it’s just a sore loser. They slaughter to make a point, but never to win one.
And so you get LTTE suicide bombers, blowing up refugees. Presumably so they’ll be scared to cross over, so the LTTE can use them as human shields. God knows I don’t agree with the war fever and arrogance of power in my own government, but the empty nihilism of the LTTE, the callous disregard for ‘their’ own people. It’s something else.

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